Northern Lights and an Early Spring
This photo, courtesy of a kind friend, was taken on May 10th in our neck of the woods. I totally missed it! I got up in the middle of the night, but it was too late!
The next night I was out looking, with no luck, but took a beautiful photo of this. I did read, just this morning, that we'll get another shot at it in two weeks. :)
Some freeloaders showed up to stare at the cabin and manage the wildlife. I'm expecting four more to show up looking to be fed.
I was late in taking my Easter flag down, and I'm glad that I didn't. This kind of thing just makes you go, "Hmmmmm."
After I showed this picture to a friend, she pointed out that foxes can make giggling sounds like children being tickled! When I checked it out on You-Tube, I also found out that they make all sorts of strange sounds. I've been hearing that periodically coming from the bush all along and wondering what the heck it was!
Another friend sent me a picture of this moose in a nearby river.
 They seem to camouflage pretty well!
Gaston and I took a trip down this river last week. There's a wee surprise at the end.
Gaston made me a trellis for the Bush Garden peas!
The onions are up, the spinach is up, and I saw pea spouts and carrots today for the first time. Gaston put in the tomato plants the other day, and I planted parsnips. The weather forecast in the foreseeable future looks well above frost, but we could be fooled by Mother Nature. If that happens, we'll plant all over again. It's worth the gamble this early spring!
Ricky is at it again with "Gravel & the Carbon Tax." Please check it out in Ricky's Corner!