The Bush Wife and Ricky Have Been Busy
Gaston surprised me with this beautiful Knitter's Loom by Ashford for Christmas. It's called a Knitter's Loom because it's portable, like a knitting project. The first time we set it up, it took the two of us 8 hours to figure it out and create the first cloth! Since I started weaving, Gaston has made more shuttles for me and permanently secured a peg to the wall, which is needed when setting up the warp (the long strings).
Thank you, Linda R., for giving me your huge stash of beautiful yarn before you moved! I brought it with me to Canada and am making wonderful use of it! I think of you and your kindnesses every time I weave. I'm still learning, but I'm getting there!
Ricky handed off another entry entitled "Rabbits, Hares & Family Relations." It just keeps getting nuttier and nuttier! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!